Analysis No : 2024 / 14
13 min read

This text is a translation of an article originally published in Turkish by AVİM on July 25, 2024. The translation was contributed by AVİM Translator Ahmet Can Öktem.


The corruption and bribery allegations against US Senator Bob Menendez have once again brought to the fore the political influence of foreign lobbies and the legal and ethical dimensions of these relationships in the United States. The accusations against Menendez have affected not only his personal and political career, but also relations with Türkiye and US foreign policy. In this context, Menendez’s relations with the Armenian lobby and the political influence of these relations reveal how complex conflicts of interest in the US legislative process can be.


Senator Menendez’s Corruption Case and Its Political Outcomes

Professor James Sample, professor of law at Hofstra University, explained in detail the guilty verdict against Senator Bob Menendez in an interview with CBS News New York. This includes actions beyond Menendez's official duties and directly linked to the bribes he received, such as facilitating the delivery of $99 million worth of helicopter munitions to Egypt and interfering in legal proceedings to protect his associates.[1] Menendez’s actions included multiple federal crimes, including bribery, racketeering, fraud, obstruction of justice, and acting as a foreign agent, and the unanimous jury verdict demonstrated that the prosecution presented a strong case and that Menendez had clearly violated federal law.[2] Menendez’s conviction had serious implications for his political future, prompting calls for his resignation from prominent political figures and the possibility of a lengthy prison sentence. It also brought about significant changes in his career, including a ban on holding public office. Despite the guilty verdict, Menendez continues to maintain his innocence and plans to appeal the verdict. Professor Sample noted that the right to appeal is a legal right but noted that the substantial evidence and the unanimous jury verdict presented significant challenges to an appeal.[3]


Senator Menendez’s Legal Issues and Their Results on Policies Regarding Türkiye

On 16 July 2024, Menendez was tried on 16 separate charges against him, all charges were found by a jury to be substantiated, and he was convicted of 'acting as an agent of a foreign country', thus making history in the US.[2]

Menendez's judicial process shows how the lines between his personal and political life have blurred and how this can have a negative impact on relations with Türkiye. Menendez, who comes from a Cuban immigrant family, and his relationship with his Lebanese-born Armenian wife Nadine Arslanyan are at the center of the accusations. Nadine was notable for introducing the Senator to Egyptian intelligence and military officials, organizing secret meetings in his senate office, and engaging in illegal financial activities by setting up a fake company.[3]

For example, his opposition to the sale of F-16s to Türkiye and his criticism of Türkiye's policies in the Mediterranean and Aegean may reflect his personal interests and foreign influences. This strengthens the argument that the Senator's policy decisions are shaped by personal or foreign interests rather than the national interests of the US.[4]

The Senator, who is known to be close to the Greek and Armenian lobbies, has been one of the leading opponents of the sale of F-16s to Türkiye and has frequently raised his discontent with Türkiye's policies in the Mediterranean and the Aegean. According to the allegations, the political views of Senator Menendez's wife Nadia may have influenced his behavior. However, it is unacceptable for any senator to put his/ her personal feelings and interests above the state to which he/she has sworn an oath, and to act in line with his/her interests, both in foreign policy to the detriment of his/ her country and in harmful domestic initiatives. One must expect the US judicial process to act with the interests of the country in mind during Menendez’s appeal to the US judiciary.

Menendez's close ties with the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) and other Armenian lobby groups point to potential conflicts of interest. In particular, his strong support for Armenian claims, his recognition of the 1915 events as “genocide”, and his actions against Türkiye and Azerbaijan have led him to receive high evaluations from ANCA.[5] Additionally, he has also been supported by the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church with honours such as the 'Friend of Armenians' award, demonstrating a long-standing and mutually supportive relationship.[6]

Menendez has provided financial support for fund-raising events organized by the Armenian lobby, and campaign contributions in this context point to the Armenian lobby's financial backing of Menendez.[7] It is this financial and political support that influenced Menendez to steer US policies in favor of Armenian interests. This raises concerns about whether Menendez's legislative decisions are in the best interests of his constituents or are influenced by external financial support.[8]


Senator Menendez’s Conflicts Of Interest With The Armenian Lobby and Their Affects On The Regional Policies

Senator Bob Menendez's foreign policy practices, especially in relations with Central Asia, raise questions about whether he is serving the strategic interests of the United States. Menendez's active role in policies regarding Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan has been decisive in shaping US policies in these regions.[9]

In 2019, Menendez sent a letter to the President of Kazakhstan calling for the release of a prisoner allegedly involved in a billion-dollar bank fraud. While such diplomatic initiatives reflect Menendez's interest in human rights and the rule of law, they also raise concerns about whether he is using his office for personal or foreign interests.[10]

In 2020, Menendez and other senators called on Central Asian leaders to release peaceful activists during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the letters expressed US concern about the human rights situation in the region, one must question whether Menendez's intervention in international affairs is independent of external influences.[11]

In the light of these observations, it is questionable whether Menendez's political activities in Central Asia are motivated by personal or external interests or whether they truly serve US national interests and the maintaining of stability in the region. Corruption charges and his ties to outside influences call into question the objectivity of his policy decisions and US influence in this strategic region.[12]


Senator Menendez and Deep Financial Ties with the Armenian Lobby

Furthermore, Senator Menendez's close relationship with the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is well documented and reflects a mutual and lengthy support system. This relationship is characterised by strong legislative support and advocacy for Armenian issues. Menendez has consistently received high marks from ANCA for his stance in support of Armenian legislation and has emerged as a prominent voice for Armenian interests in US foreign policy, including leading the Senate's efforts to recognise the events of 1915 as genocide and supporting Artsakh. ANCA's open and persistent support for Menendez highlights the strategic alignment between the senator's political actions and the goals of the Armenian lobby.[13]

Senator Menendez has also consolidated his relations with the Armenian community through financial support. Groups such as the Armenian National Committee New Jersey (ANC-NJ) have regularly organised fundraising events for Menendez's campaigns, demonstrating the financial support Menendez receives from the Armenian community.[14] ANCA and other Armenian lobby groups actively raise funds for advocacy and education programmes, which are used to promote Armenian claims in the United States. In particular, ANCA's Endowment Fund serves as the main instrument for these donations.[15]

This continued support and cooperation reinforces Senator Menendez's consistent advocacy on Armenian issues and plays a decisive role in United States foreign policy. During Menendez's tenure as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, he advocated for policies in support of Armenian interests and frequently consulted with ANCA leaders in this regard.[16] The extent of these relations clearly demonstrates Menendez's influence in shaping US foreign policy and the influence of the Armenian lobby on US politics.


US Senators' Relations with Foreign Lobbies and the Importance of Legal Regulations

In the US Senate, some senators have important links with the Armenian and Greek lobbies. For example, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) supports the Armenian claims and is appreciated by Armenian-American groups. Senator Robert Portman (R-OH) is active in the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues. Additionally, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) has supported resolutions in favour of Greece and Armenia.[17]

Such financial and non-financial ties often present themselves in the form of participation in cultural events, advocacy for the recognition of Armenian genocide allegations, and support for Greek positions on issues such as Cyprus.[18] However, the case of Senator Menendez highlights the potential ethical issues and conflicts of interest of such strong advocacy and significant financial support.[19]

The Menendez case highlights the risks that close relationships between members of the legislature and certain lobby groups can turn into mutually beneficial arrangements, especially when linked to allegations of corruption. This situation underlines the need for transparency in political donations and clear ethical guidelines for legislators' interactions with lobby groups. Menendez's particularly grave situation is a warning about the potential for conflicts of interest in the political system and a reminder of the importance of vigilant supervision.[20]


Foreign Agents Law in the United States and the Need for Detailed Analysis

Enacted in 1938, the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) requires persons representing foreign governments, political parties, businesses, and other foreign organisations to register with the Department of Justice and keep a record of their activities. This act aims to ensure transparency and is an important means of preventing members of the legislature from acting in favour of foreign interests. The Menendez case demonstrates the importance of this law and the necessity to take further steps to deal with foreign influence in US politics. In future articles, a detailed analysis of this law will be provided, and the current challenges and potential improvements will be addressed.[21]


[1] Hofstra Law News, "Prof. James Sample Explains Senator Bob Menendez’s Guilty Verdict," 22 July 2024, ; CBS News New York, "Legal Expert Breaks Down Sen. Bob Menendez’s Guilty Verdict,"

[2] Türkiye Karşıtı Senatör Müebbet Ceza Alabilir: Menendez Yandı, Hürriyet, 18 July 2024,

[3] Who is Nadine Menendez? Sen. Bob Menendez's Wife is at Center of Bribery Trial, CBS News, 16 July 2024,

[4] Kamal A. Beyoghlow, Turkey and the United States on the Brink: Implications for NATO and the US-Turkish Strategic and Military Partnership (Carlisle Barracks: US Army War College Press, 2020). Link to article:; Ali Balcı, “A Short Story of the Turkish–American Relations in the 20th Century,” Journal of Transatlantic Studies 19, no. 2 (2021): 184–205.

[5] ANCA, "Senate Robert Menendez - Legislative Ratings," ; ANCA, "Sen. Menendez Condemns Turkey for Inciting and Arming Azerbaijan's Attack on Artsakh," ; Aravot, "ANCA Supporters Stand Strong with U.S. Senator Robert Menendez,"

[6] AVIM, "The Case of Senator Menendez and The Nature of Genocide Resolutions,"

[7] Aravot, "ANCA Supporters Stand Strong with U.S. Senator Robert Menendez,"

[8] AVIM, "Main Pro-Armenian Lobbyist Accused of Corruption Pressuring Officials," ; AzerNews, "Corruption Allegations and Senator Menendez,"

[9] Times of Central Asia, "A Eurasian Perspective on the Historic Conviction of U.S. Senator Bob Menendez," last modified 18 July 2024,

[10] Times of Central Asia, "A Eurasian Perspective on the Historic Conviction of U.S. Senator Bob Menendez," last modified 18 July 2024,

[11] Times of Central Asia, "A Eurasian Perspective on the Historic Conviction of U.S. Senator Bob Menendez," last modified 18 July 2024,

[12] Times of Central Asia, "A Eurasian Perspective on the Historic Conviction of U.S. Senator Bob Menendez," last modified 18 July 2024,

[13] Armenian National Committee of America, "ANCA Welcomes Menendez as Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations Committee," ; Armenian Weekly, "ANCA Leaders Consult with US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Robert Menendez," 30 May 2023,

[14] Armenian Weekly, "The ANCA Owes Its Success to Grassroots Support," 10 April 2010,

[15] Armenian National Committee of America, "ANCA Supporters Stand Strong with U.S. Senator Robert Menendez,"

[16] Armenian Weekly, "ANCA Leaders Consult with US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Robert Menendez," 30 May 2023,

[17] Embattled US Senator Menendez's Decades of Trying to Block Türkiye at Every Turn," accessed 18 July 2024, ; Main Pro-Armenian Lobbyist Accused of Corruption Pressuring Officials," accessed 18 July 2024, ; US Senator Backed by Israeli Lobby Attacks Turkey," accessed 18 July 2024,

[18] Conflicts of Interest," U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics, accessed 18 July 2024,

[19] US Senator Backed by Israeli Lobby Attacks Turkey," accessed 18 July 2024,

[20] Center for Eurasian Studies, "Main Pro-Armenian Lobbyist Accused of Corruption Pressuring Officials," last accessed 18 July 2024,

[21] Conflicts of Interest," U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics, accessed 18 July 2024,; NJ Spotlight News, "NJ Menendez Corruption Indictment Shines Light on Foreign Agents Law, Egypt, Qatar," January 2024,

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