The Review of Armenian Studies (RAS) is a biannual academic journal that was established in 2002 with the aim of publishing academic papers to stimulate inter-disciplinary debate between academics and practitioners on topics relating to Armenian Studies. RAS invites paper submissions on any subject related to the journal’s scope of research, which include:

- The Armenian revolts in the 19th and 20th century era of the Ottoman Empire

- Historical, political, and social dimensions of the 1915 events

- Various aspects of the dispute over the 1915 events

- Politics in the Armenian world (in Armenia and in the Armenian Diaspora)

- Culture and society in the Armenian world (in Armenia and in the Armenian Diaspora)

- Bilateral relations of Armenia with other countries

- Regional and international politics of Armenia

RAS is indexed by EBSCO and TÜBİTAK/ULAKBİM.

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A Biannual Journal of History, Politics, and International Relations

ISSN: 1303-5304   eISSN: 2757-5845

EDITOR IN CHIEF: Ambassador (R) Alev Kılıç [Center For Eurasian Studies (AVİM)]

MANAGING EDITOR: Dr. Teoman Ertugrul Tulun, M.A. [Center For Eurasian Studies (AVİM)]




This publication is edited by Center for Eurasian Studies on behalf of Avrasya Bir Vakfı, and published by Terazi publishing.


Prof. Dr. Seçil KARAL AKGÜN (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, E. Öğretim Üyesi)

Yiğit ALPOGAN (E. Büyükelçi)

Ertuğrul APAKAN (E. Büyükelçi)

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAĞCI (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi)

Assist. Prof. Dr. Brendon J. CANNON (Khalifa Üniversitesi)

Ahmet Altay CENGİZER (Büyükelçi)

Prof. Dr. Sadi ÇAYCI (Başkent Üniversitesi)

Prof. Dr. Kemal ÇİÇEK (21. Yüzyıl Türkiye Enstitüsü)

Dr. Şükrü ELEKDAĞ (E. Büyükelçi)

Dr. Edward ERICKSON (Antalya Bilim Üniversitesi)

Uluç GÜRKAN (Gazeteci)

Prof. Dr. Yusuf HALAÇOĞLU (Eski Türk Tarih Kurumu Başkanı)

Prof. Dr. Justin MCCARTHY (Louisville Üniversitesi)

Dr. Jeremy SALT (Bilkent Üniversitesi, E. Öğretim Üyesi)

Prof. Dr. Mehmet SARAY (Tarihçi)

Dr. Bilal N. ŞİMŞİR (E. Büyükelçi, Tarihçi)

Prof. Dr. Refik TURAN (Eski Türk Tarih Kurumu Başkanı)

Prof. Dr. Ömer TURAN (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi

PUBLISHER: On behalf of Terazi Yayıncılık - Hazel ÇAĞAN ELBİR

Terazi Yayıncılık Bas. Dağ. Dan. Eğt. Org. Mat. Kırt. Ltd. Şti.
Abidin Daver Sokak No. 12/B Daire 4 06550 Çankaya/ANKARA
Tel: 0 (312) 438 50 23 - Faks: 0 (312) 438 50 26


TYPE: Periodical
Terazi Yayıncılık Bas. Dağ. Dan. Eğt. Org. Mat. Kırt. Ltd. Şti.
Süleyman Nazif Sokak No. 12/B Daire 4 06550 Çankaya/ANKARA


Özyurt Matbaacılık
Büyük Sanayi 1. Cad. Süzgün Sok. No: 7 İskitler / ANKARA
Tel: +90 312 384 15 36 Faks: +90 312 384 15 37

Number : 49
Year : 2024
Price : 200.00 TL

Number : 48
Year : 2023
Price : 100.00 TL

Number : 47
Year : 2023
Price : 100.00 TL

Number : 46
Year : 2022
Price : 45.00 TL

Number : 45
Year : 2022
Price : 90.00 TL

Number : 44
Year : 2021
Price : 0.00 TL

Number : 43
Year : 2021
Price : 45.00 TL

Number : 42
Year : 2020
Price : 36.00 TL

Number : 41
Year : 2020
Price : 36.00 TL

Number : 40
Year : 2019
Price : 36.00 TL

Number : 39
Year : 2019
Price : 36.00 TL

Number : 38
Year : 2018
Price : 17.00 TL

Number : 37
Year : 2018
Price : 17.00 TL

Number : 36
Year : 2017
Price : 17.00 TL

Number : 35
Year : 2017
Price : 17.00 TL

Number : 34
Year : 2016
Price : 17.00 TL

Number : 33
Year : 2016
Price : 17.00 TL

Number : 32
Year : 2015
Price : 17.00 TL

Special Issue: Centenary of the Armenian Resettlement

Number : 31
Year : 2015
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 30
Year : 2014
Price : 9.00 TL

Special Issue on ECHR Perinçek v. Switzerland Case

Number : 29
Year : 2014
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 28
Year : 2013
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 27
Year : 2013
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 26
Year : 2012
Price : 9.00 TL

10th Anniversary Special Issue

Number : 25
Year : 2012
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 24
Year : 2011
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 23
Year : 2011
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 22
Year : 2010
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 21
Year : 2010
Price : 9.00 TL

19th and 20th Issues

Number : 19-20
Year : 2009
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 18
Year : 2008
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 17
Year : 2008
Price : 9.00 TL

15th and 16th Issues

Number : 15
Year : 2007
Price : 9.00 TL

13th and 14th Issues

Number : 13
Year : 2007
Price : 9.00 TL

11th and 12th Issues

Number : 11
Year : 2007
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 10
Year : 2006
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 9
Year : 2005
Price : 9.00 TL

7th and 8th Issues

Number : 7-8
Year : 2005
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 6
Year : 2004
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 5
Year : 2003
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 4
Year : 2003
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 3
Year : 2003
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 2
Year : 2003
Price : 9.00 TL

Number : 1
Year : 2002
Price : 9.00 TL

Before beginning the online submission process please read the Information for Authors and make sure you have the followings available:

 Cover letter to the editor

  • The category of the manuscript
  • Confirming that “the paper is not under consideration for publication in another journal”.
  • Including disclosure of any commercial or financial involvement.
  • Confirming that the statistical design of the research article is reviewed.
  • Confirming that last control for fluent English was done.
  • Confirming that journal policies detailed in Information for Authors have been reviewed.
  • Confirming that the references cited in the text and listed in the references section are in line with Chicago 17 – Citation Guide .
  • Copyright Agreement Form
  • Permission of previous published material if used in the present manuscript


Title page

  • The category of the manuscript
  • The title of the manuscript both in Turkish and in English
  • All authors’ names and affiliations (institution, faculty/department, city, country), e-mail addresses
  • Corresponding author’s email address, full postal address, telephone and fax number
  • ORCIDs of all authors.


Main Manuscript Document

The title of the manuscript both in Turkish and in English
Abstracts (180-300 words) both in Turkish and in English
Key words: 3 to 5 words both in Turkish and in English
Main article sections
Acknowledgement (if exits)
All tables, illustrations (figures) (including title, description, footnotes)

Manuscript Submission

DergiPark manuscript submission site of the journal is:
The manuscript must be submitted through the account of the corresponding author. The account of authors other than the corresponding author or someone else who is not included as an author in the work must not be used for submission. All correspondence regarding the submission is made with the corresponding author through e-mail via the DergiPark system.

While uploading Main Document, make sure that the main document has no information that clarify the author’s identity. Due to double-blind peer review, Main Document must not include Title Page, the name of author or any other detail that can disclose the author's identity. 

Files you need to upload individually

  • Copyright Agreement Form
  • Permissions obtained for previously published material if used in the present manuscript
  • Title page
  • Main Manuscript Document
  • The title of the manuscript both in Turkish and in English
  • Abstracts (150-300 words) both in Turkish and in English
  • Key words: 3 to 5 words both in Turkish and in English
  • Main article sections
  • Acknowledgement (if exists)
  • References
  • All tables, illustrations (figures) (including title, description, footnotes)

Please click here to access the COPYRIGHT FORM

Articles submitted for publication are subject to peer review. The journal’s language is English. Review of Armenian Studies (RAS) accepts academic research that has not been previously submitted to another journal for publication. Submissions must be written in accordance with the standards put forward by the journal, and with a clear and concise language. The journal uses the latest edition of Chicago Manual of Style (full note) as its citation style. Please refer to Chicago Manual of Style official website for further details regarding proper citation methods ( RAS recommends the use of automated citation platforms such as “Zotero” or “Citation Machine” to make citation faster and easier for the authors.

Please submit manuscripts via e-mail to Managing Editor Mehmet Oğuzhan Tulun via

RAS welcomes the submission of manuscripts as articles and book reviews.


Articles should range from 6,000 to 18,000 words and should be approximately 10-30 single-spaced pages in length (including footnotes and bibliography). Articles must be word processed using Microsoft Word, 12-point font, Times New Roman, and should be single-spaced throughout allowing good (1-1/2 inch) margins. Pages should be numbered sequentially. There should be a clear hierarchy of headings and subheadings. Quotations with more than 40 words should be indented from the left margin.

The title page of the article should include the following information:

- Article title

- Names, affiliations, and ORCID iDs of all contributing authors

- Full address for correspondence, including telephone and email address

- Abstract: please provide a short summary of up to 300 words.

- Keywords: please provide 5 key words, suitable for indexing. Ideally, these words will not have appeared in the title


Book reviews should range from 1,200 to 2,400 words and should be approximately 2-4 single-spaced pages in length (including footnotes), and should be on recently published books on related subjects. Book reviews must be word processed using Microsoft Word, 12-point font, Times New Roman, and should be single-spaced throughout allowing good (1-1/2 inch) margins. Pages should be numbered sequentially. Page numbers regarding the book under review should be given in parentheses within the text, other citations should be given in the footnote section.

Book reviews should have a title and the name(s), affiliation(s), and ORCID iD(s) of the reviewer(s) should be included. The details of the book under review should be listed with the following details:

- Name(s) of the author(s) or editor(s) of the book under review

- Title of book

- Year of publication

- Place of publication

- Publisher

- Number of pages

- Language of the book

- Price (please indicate paperback or hard cover) if available


The editorial office will make every effort to deal with submissions to the journal as quickly as possible. All papers will be acknowledged on receipt by email.

For your questions, please contact Managing Editor Mehmet Oğuzhan Tulun at

Evaluation of the Formal Conformity by the Editorial Unit: Each article transmitted through the dergipark system of our journal is firstly given a code and evaluated by the Editorial Unit within the framework of the Editorial Principles of our journal (article, abstract and the number of keywords, bibliography rules, etc.). At this stage, our Editorial Department only tries to ensure the formal conformity of the article to the Publication Principles, does not make any evaluation regarding the content.

Editorial Board Evaluation and Determination of Referees: Each article, whose formal suitability is evaluated by the Editorial Unit, is sent to the members of the Editorial Board by "anonymizing" by hiding the expressions that will reveal the identity of the author. The Editorial Board, consisting of the Editor, Assistant Editors and academicians from different universities and disciplines, meets two times a year as online or face to face meetings. At the meeting, the articles are handled according to the principle of "Blind Editorial Board". Three types of decisions are made about the articles discussed in the Editorial Board: "sending to referees", "rearrangement" or "rejection".

Peer Review: Articles are pre-reviewed by the editorial board and articles that meet the publication criteria are sent to two different referees. In case of disagreement between two referees, the opinion of a third referee is sought. In line with the reports from the referees, it is decided to print the article, to request correction from the author within the framework of the reports or to reject it. The Editorial Board decides whether the submitted articles will be published after the positive evaluation of at least two referees and in which issue the journal will be published. In accordance with the principle of "Blind Refereeing", communication between the referees and the author is carried out through our Dergipark system through the Editorial Unit. It is expected that all articles will complete the refereeing process and be published within 60 days at the latest.

At the last stage, the contribution of the articles to science and the field is evaluated by the editorial board in line with the "publishable" report of at least two referees, and it is decided whether they will be included in the publication order or not.

The following are the stages of the publication process :

1. The average time during which the preliminary assessment of manuscripts is conducted carried out by the editorial team : 10 days.

2. The average time during which the manuscripts double blind review is conducted : 40 days.

3.  After going through the review process, if required, the authors are given the opportunity to improve. After the corrections have been made by the authors, the editorial team will re-examine the improvements made by the author with the input provided by the reviewers. This is done until the authors make improvements in accordance with the input provided by the reviewers. 

4. The average time in which the article is published: 10 days (Online First Publication)

5. Each Article is Psychically published in June and December.

Sign up to become an external reviewer

Remark: The journal intends to announce a general list of reviewers in its Webpage. Under Data Protection legislation, please let us know if you prefer us to resist any application to disclose yours, as a reviewer's, name (just send a brief statement "not to disclose" by e-mail:

List of Reviewers

List of reviewers, who have reviewed for Review of Armenian Studies (RAS) (ISSN: 1303-5304  eISSN: 2757-5845) :


Remark: The journal intends to announce a general list of reviewers in its Webpage. Under Data Protection legislation, please let us know if you prefer us to resist any application to disclose yours, as a reviewer's, name (just send a brief statement "not to disclose" by e-mail:

Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers

The fact that all manuscripts are reviewed through "Blind Review" has a direct influence on the publication quality. This process ensures confidentiality by objective and independent review. The review process at Review of Armenian Studies (RAS) is carried out on the principle of double blind review. Reviewers do not contact the authors directly, and the reviews and comments are conveyed through the journal management system. In this process, the reviewer views on the evaluation forms and full texts are assigned to the author(s) by the editor. Therefore, the reviewers doing review work for RAS are supposed to bear the following ethical responsibilities.



Please click here to access the ETHICAL CONSENT FORM

International Committee of Medical Journal Editors’ (ICMJE) recommendations and Committee on Publication Ethics’ (COPE) International Standards for Editors and Authors will be used in the evaluation of the manuscripts sent to the Review of Armenian Studies (RAS) journal.


Ethical Tasks and Responsibilities of Authors and Co-authors

1. Studies that require ethics committee decisions;

1.1.1. For research conducted in all scientific fields and for the clinical and experimental cases below on people and animals which require ethics committee decisions;

1.1.2. All kinds of research that are conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches which require gathering data from participants using questionnaires, interviews, focus group work, observation, experiments, discussion/negotiation techniques

1.1.3. Use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,

1.2.1. Clinical studies conducted on humans,

1.2.2. Research conducted on animals,

1.2.3. Retrospective studies in conformity with the law on the protection of personal data, ethics committee approval must be acquired separately, this approval must be indicated in the manuscript and documented.

1.3. Information regarding permission/authorization (committee name, date, and issue no/number) must be included in the manuscript’s “Method” section and additionally in the first/last page.

1.4. During the manuscript upload, the Ethics Committee Approval file must also be uploaded to the system in addition to the manuscript file.

1.5. Moreover, in case reports, information that the informed voluntary confirmation/consent form was signed must be included in the manuscript.

2. It must be indicated in the manuscript whether obtaining legal/exclusive permission is required. If the study contains a practice conducted in an institution, it must be clearly indicated on which date and which decision or issue number the permission was obtained from the relevant institution.

3. For the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others, it is necessary that permission is obtained from the owners and that this is indicated in the article through providing the relevant references.

4. It must be stated that intellectual property rights regulations are complied with for the ideas and works of art used in the manuscript.

5. All contributing resources of the study must be stated in the acknowledgement section of the manuscript.

6. The authors of the manuscript submitted to RAS must certify that their manuscript is original and use citation methods for the citations made in their manuscript in accordance with ethical principles.

7. All authors are responsible for all sections of the manuscript.

8. Authors must clearly state any kind of conflict of interest or overlap of interest in their manuscript. In cases where there is no conflict of interest or overlap of interest regarding the subject of the manuscript, this statement must nevertheless be present in the manuscript. The most common types of conflict of interest are financial support, education, or other funding types, personal or institutional relations and memberships.

9. The submitted manuscript must not have been previously submitted to any other journal. It may be submitted to another journal for evaluation when the process is complete in a journal and the relevant manuscript is rejected. Simultaneously submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal constitutes unethical publishing behavior. Moreover, the authors’ manuscript must not been previously published elsewhere.

10. When an author encounters an important error or misstatement or inaccuracy in his/her published work, s/he is responsible for immediately informing the journal editor or publisher of this case and cooperating with the editor to withdraw or correct the manuscript.

11. Researchers who have made significant contribution to the concept, design, performance, data collection and/or analyses in a study, researchers who have participated in the preparation of the manuscript or in its critical revision, and researchers who have approved of the final state of the manuscript and approved its submission must be included into the study as responsible authors. Apart from this, authors who have made other contributions (for instance: technical support, facilitators in writing and editing, general contributions etc.) must not be included to the authors list. However, the contributions by these people must be stated in the acknowledgement section.

12. In the case of a need for processes such as adding an author, changing the author order, removing an author for a manuscript for which the evaluation process has started, an application may be made to the RAS Editorial - Advisory Board with the approval of all the authors. The Editorial - Advisory Board will decide on the application and inform the author responsible of the decision.


Ethical Tasks and Responsibilities of the Editor

1. The editor must come to a decision on the manuscript according to its original value, the objectives of RAS, and ethical rules.

2. The editor should only put manuscripts with high original value, and which adhere to RAS objectives and ethical rules into the evaluation process.

3. So long as there is no significant reason, the editor and field editors must pay regard to the positive views of the reviewer/referee.

4. The requests and views from the authors must be replied to through feedback.

5. Referees must be selected in accordance with the manuscript’s subject.

6. Attention must be paid to preventing conflict of interest and self-interest relationships between the referees and the authors.

7. The editor is responsible for guiding the referees during the manuscript evaluation process and providing the requested information.

8. The editor is responsible for hiding the credentials of the author and referee based on the double-blind review practice.

9. The necessary warnings must be made and measures must be taken so that the referees evaluate the manuscript in a timely, objective, and scientific manner.

10. Effort must be made to increase the number of referees.

11. The editor must pay regard to the opinions and recommendations of the Editorial - Advisory Board regarding the manuscript.

12. The editor’s decisions regarding the manuscript must be independent from the owner and publisher of RAS.

13. The editor is responsible for paying regard to RAS’ publication guidelines, objectives, and international standards regarding the manuscripts of that will be published.

14. The editor is responsible for not conveying the personal information of the manuscript authors to third parties outside of the authors’ consent.

15. The editor is responsible for the protection of human and animal rights in the case of studies being conducted on humans and animals present in the contents of the manuscrpit. The editor is responsible for declining a manuscript in the case of an ethics committee approval not being sent for studies in which an ethics committee report is required.

16. The editor is responsible for protecting the intellectual property rights of all manuscripts that were submitted to and published by RAS.

17. The editor is responsible for providing clear and illuminating responses to the complaints from referees, authors, and readers.

18. The editor is responsible for taking precautions against conflict of interest and self-interest relationships that may occur between authors, referees, and third parties for the completion of the evaluation processes in an objective and autonomous manner.

19. The editor is responsible for the consideration of the feedback from readers, researchers, and implementers regarding the published studies and making the necessary responses and applying the necessary procedures.


Ethical Responsibilities of the Referees

1. Referees are responsible for not evaluating the manuscript in the case of conflict of interest and self-interest relationships.

2. Referees are responsible for the evaluation of the manuscript by paying attention to the guidelines of confidentiality and objectivity.

3. Referees cannot use the manuscript delivered to them for any purpose until the evaluation process is complete and the manuscript is sent for publication.

4. While evaluating the manuscript, referees are responsible for not allowing the authors’ gender, nationality, religious beliefs, or political views to influence the evaluation.

5. Referees must use polite and constructive language while reviewing the manuscript. Comments and statements containing insults, slander, and enmity must be avoided.

6. Referees are responsible for reviewing the manuscript in a timely manner and in accordance with the ethical rules.


TR Index Criteria

Under the ethical rules title, the aspects below should also be abided (please click here to access the full list of the criteria for the TR Index Application and Evaluation Processes)

1. Ethics committee approvals must be separately acquired for research conducted in all scientific fields including social sciences and for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals which require an ethics committee decision, this approval must be indicated in the manuscript and documented.

2. Under this title, under separate titles for referees, authors and editors, information must be provided regarding the ethical rules.

3. A statement of accordance with the Research and Publication Ethics must be included in the manuscripts.

4. Ethical principles must be stated in the journal and/or the website under separate titles while referring to national and international standards. For instance; in scientific articles submitted to journals, ICMJE’s recommendations and COPE’s International Standards for Editors and Authors must be paid attention to.

5. In studies that require ethics committee permission/authorization, information regarding the permission (committee name, date, and issue number) must be included in the method section and additionally in the first/last page. In case reports, information that the informed voluntary confirmation/consent form was signed must be included in the manuscript.

6. The copyright regulations for the ideas and works of art used must be abided.

7. At the end of the manuscript; the researchers’ statement of contribution ratio, statement of support, and appreciation if available, and conflict statement must be included.

Note: Retrospective ethics committee permission is not required for manuscripts that have used research data from before 2020, prepared from postgraduate/doctorate studies (must be indicated in the manuscript), applied for publication in the journal the previous year, were approved but not yet published. Please indicate in the declaration form that your study constitutes this case.



Terazi Yayıncılık Bas. Dağ. Dan. Eğt. Org. Mat. Kırt. Ltd. Şti.

Address: Süleyman Nazif Sok. 12/B No:3-4, Güzeltepe, Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey

Tel: +90 312 438 50 23

Fax: +90 312 438 50 26




Turkey: 90 TL

International: 30 USD

Authors publishing with the journal retain the copyright to their work licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC 4.0) ( ) and grant the Publisher non-exclusive commercial right to publish the work. CC BY-NC 4.0 license permits unrestricted, non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The manuscripts submitted to Education and Science for publication should be original studies that were not published before or not submitted to anywhere else for publication.

Authors who submit their studies to Review of Armenian Studies (RAS) should acknowledge that they have to transfer the copyright of their studies to RAS. The editorial board of the journal is authorized to publish the study.

Those authors who will submit their studies to RAS have to fill in the "Copyright Transfer Form". Wet signature is required. The signed form should be scanned and uploaded to the Dergipark system via file upload option. 

Review of Armenian Studies  (RAS), publishes fully open-access material, which means that all articles are available on the Internet to all users immediately upon publication. There are no submission fees or article processing charges (APC) for the submitted articles.

ICH readers may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles for lawful purposes.


All publications in this journal are licensed by the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Online First List :


About OnlineFirst:
What is OnlineFirst?

The OnlineFirst is the section where the ready-to-print articles of the International Crimes and History journal are published online prior to the printing stage. When an article is published in an OnlineFirst format, it is published with a DOI (Digital Object Identifiers) number, while volume and issue information are not added.
When the article is printed in the issue determined by the editorial board, it is removed from the OnlineFirst page and loaded to the website, within the published issue. A study that has passed its peer review process favourably is published as a preview in approximately 30 days.
How To Make A Reference To An Article Published In OnlineFirst Format?

An example of an article that is published in OnlineFirst form, displayed in accordance with the Chicago 17 - Citation Guide:

Koçak, Sinan. “An Examination on the Demographic Structure of Armenians in Tbilisi (1897-2014).” Review of Armenian Studies, no. 47 (July 22, 2023): 63–95. 



What Are The Functions And Utility of OnlineFirst?

Articles that are published in OnlineFirst form, as they do not require waiting for the issue that will be published, unlike the traditional method, reach the readers and researchers quicker. That is to say, the articles that have completed the peer review process and typesetting through the OnlineFirst become accessible while the processes of the other articles continue. Thus, readers and researchers can access the latest work and research quicker, while the authors are able to present their findings quicker. This provides more opportunity for the journal and study to be referenced and downloaded.
Editing OnlineFirst Articles

Articles published in the OnlineFirst are the same as their printed version. The only differences are the given issue, volume and page numbers. Hence, there must be no changes made to the article that is published in OnlineFirst format. A change can be made only in the case of a clear mistake between the printed and OnlineFirst version, constituting a case of erratum (misprint)

Citation Databases :

TR Dizin Accepted: 01/01/2012

Sobiad Accepted: 01/09/2024


Multidisciplinary Databases:

Specialized Databases:

Index Islamicus Accepted: 24/07/2012

Analysis And Identity Databases:

MIAR : University of Barcelona Accepted: 23/12/2008

Journal Ranking Lists:

Bibliographic Databases:

Journal Directories :

Erih Plus Accepted: 25.06.2024

Content Aggregators :

Digital Preservation : 


Managing Editor

Dr. Teoman Ertuğrul Tulun

Tel: +90 312 4385023

Faks: +90 312 438 50 26



Last Issue

Review of Armenian Studies

Number : 50
Year : 2024
Price : 60 TL