In this issue, different aspects of Armenian question has once more examined with reference to historical occurrences and contemporary ramifications. Accordingly, in the first article, entitled ‘Facts and Comments’, developments on Armenian question and the Turkey-Armenia relations in the second half of 2006 are focused, and issues regarding Turkey-Armenia bilateral relations, the genocide allegations, the European Parliament’s 27 September 2006 decision on Turkey, the French President’s visit to Armenia and the adoption by the French National Assembly of a bill that would make negation of the “genocide” a crime punishable by law are covered.
In his article entitled ‘Turkey’s Bid for the EU Membership, the Turkish – Armenian Relations during the World War I in the British Confidential Documents’ Prof. Dr. Salahi Sonyel examines the reasons of deterioration of Turkish-Armenian relations with a particular emphasis on Armenian revolts and Armenian collaboration with the Russian army during the World War I. His reliance on British archival documents provides the reader with an original argumentation regarding the matter.
Prof. Dr. Enver Konukçu examines Turkish-Armenian relations in Erzurum in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century in his article entitled “Turks, Armenians and Erzurum, 1916-1918”. He particularly emphasizes the inter-communal relations during the Russian invasion of Erzurum and its aftermath
In his article entitled “The Turkish-Armenian Conflict in the United States and the Murder of Harry the Turk”, Prof. Dr. Kemal Çiçek comments on the relations between Armenian and Turkish communities of United States and emerging strife between them, by referencing the murder of an Ottoman subject by the Armenians as a case study.
Dr. Osman Fırat Baş examines the background of the resolution adopted in the Polish Parliament recognizing the Armenian genocide allegations in his article entitled “Deepening the Opposition”. He mentions about the Polish political atmosphere and tries to uncover why such a resolution had adopted in Poland.
Mustafa Serdar Palabıyık analyzes comparatively the recent Western literature on Armenian question by categorizing it in accordance with scientificity and objectivity in his article entitled “A Literature between Scientificity and Subjectivity: A Comparative Analysis of the Western Literature on the Armenian Question”.
In the article entitled “The Armenian Demands at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919”, the Armenian territorial demands at the Paris Peace Conference which had been claimed by the Armenian delegation presided by Boghos Nubar Pasha in 1919 is analyzed. The article also includes an addendum in which documents regarding the matter can be found.
In this issue, the speeches delivered on the Armenian question in Fifteenth Turkish History Congress organized by the Turkish Historical Society are reviewed as well. What is more, another significant conference organized by Armenian International Policy Research Group (AIPRG) in Yerevan on the political and economic implications of a possible border opening between Turkey and Armenia is evaluated critically.
There are also two reviews of the books written by Berna Türkdo?an entitled Relocation Since 1915: Turkish-Armenian Relations (1915’ten Günümüze Tehcir: Türk Ermeni İlişkileri), and edited by Yavuz Ercan entitled Collected Publications: I Researches on Armenians (Toplu Eserler: I Ermenilerle İlgili Araştırmalar).
With best wishes…
The Editor
Editorial Note: s. 5
Ömer Engin Lütem – “Facts and Comments” : p. 7
Prof. Dr. Salahi SONYEL – “Turkey's Bid For The EU Membership, The Turkish -Armenian Relations During: The World War I, in The Confidential British Documents” : p. 51
Prof. Dr. Enver KONUKÇU – “Turks, Armenians and Erzurum, 1916-1918” : p. 65
Prof. Dr. Kemal ÇİÇEK – “The Turkish-Armenian Conflict in The United States and The Murder of Harry The Turk” : p. 83
Dr. 0. Fırat Baş – “Deepening The Opposition” : p. 107
M. Serdar PALABIYIK – “A Literature Between Scientificity and Subjectivity: A Comparative Analysis of The Books Recently Written on The Armenian Issue” : s. 121
Omer Engin LUTEM – “The Armenian Demands at The Paris Peace Conference of 1919” : p. 157
Yıldiz DEVECi BOZKUŞ-Oya EREN – “Turkish Historical Society, XV. Turkish History Congress, 11-15 September 2006” : p. 169
Oya EREN – “The Economic And Social Consequences of Opening The Armenia-Turkey Border” : p. 173
Yıldız DEVECi BOZKUŞ) – “Prof. Dr. Yavuz ERCAN: Toplu Eserler: I Ermenilerle jfgili Arajtzrmalar” : p. 177
Oya EREN – “Dr. Berna TURKDOGAN: 1915'ten Giiniimiize Tehcir: Tiirk Ermeni ili????kileri” : p. 181
“Speeches of Armenian Delegates at 1919 Paris Peace Conference”: p. 185
Ömer Engin Lütem
Prof. Dr. Salahi SONYEL
Prof. Dr. Enver KONUKÇU
Prof. Dr. Kemal ÇİÇEK
Dr. 0. Fırat Baş