Yazar | : | AVİM |
Editör | : | Ahmet Can ÖKTEM |
Yıl | : | 2022 |
Dil | : | İngilizce |
ISBN | : | 978-605-73572-2-9 |
Fiyat | : | 90.00 TL |
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The “Armenian Question” has been a controversy for more than a century and ever since its emergence, fake documents, statistics, and visual materials have been part of the controversy. This has now become even more prevalent with the advent of the internet and social media platforms. Today, there are thousands of websites and social media accounts that one way or another contribute to the distribution of fake or misused images in support of the Armenian version of the 1915 events.
This booklet, in the form of a short study, gathers and scrutinizes some of the most common fake and misused images in connection with the Armenian allegations. In case of the misused images, the booklet also presents the original image with brief contextual information as to its origins and how it was misused as part of the propaganda for the Armenian allegations.