After a brief interlude, we are happy to be reunited with our readers with issue number 18 of the Review of Armenian Studies.
The first 17 issues of this journal were published by The Center for Eurasian Strategic Studies (ASAM)- a subsidiary of Avrasya-Bir Foundation. Upon our request, The Board of Directors of Avrasya-Bir Foundation ceded to us the publishing rights of this journal alongside those of the journal with the Turkish title; Ermeni Araprmalan Dergisi. In this manner, the said journals which are the only publications in Turkey to deal solely with the Armenian Question will continue to be published uninterrupted. For this reason, I am indebted to the President of the Avrasya-Bir Foundation, Saban Gulbahar, and the other members of the Board of Directors.
On a somber note, before moving on to the itinerary of this issue we must express that we were deeply saddened by the tragic loss of former ASAM President, parliamentarian and Ret. Ambassador Gunduz Aktan. He leaves behind an irreplaceable void within the Armenian Question research community.
In holding with previous issues, this journal will continue to publish scholarly articles dealing with all aspects of the Armenian Question. This issue opens with the "Facts and Comments" article which examines the foremost developments concerning the relations between Armenia and Turkey that took place throughout the September 2008-Febuary 2009 period. In doing so, the initiative of President Sargsyan to open a new phase of dialogue between the two countries is addressed. Furthermore, this article analyzes the campaign for an apology to the Armenians and focuses on U.S.-Turkey relations in the aftermath of President Obama's election. Finally, recent developments concerning genocide allegations in several countries as well as the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly resolution pertaining to the archives and historical research are examined.
In the article entitled "Ottoman Armenian Intricate Relations with Western Powers before and during the Peace Settlements of the First World War", Prof. Secil Karal Akgun, provides for an examination of the developments whereby the Great Powers changed their stance during the Paris Peace Conference and began to approach Armenian demands with reluctance. Akgun sets forth that the Lausanne Peace Treaty effectively ended Armenian expectations of an independent state encompassing Turkish territories.
Prof. Dr. Nursen Mazici examines present relations between Turkey and the United States in light of Armenian genocide claims, and also charts likely developments and the course of relations between the two countries in the article "Turkish-American Relations and the Armenian Issue".
In the article entitled "Terrorism and Asymmetric Threat: Activities against Turkey, from the Beginning of the 20th Century to the Present", Assoc. Prof. Sadi Qayci focuses on the Armenian rebellions and the terrorist activities waged by both the Armenians and the PKK that were directed against Turkey and the Turks. The author sheds light on the cause and consequences of the Armenian rebellions of 1915, and also sets forth that between 1975-1984 Armenians and pro-Armenians used terrorism as a means to publicize their claims of an Armenian genocide.
Furthermore, the article discusses the strategic and political objectives of the PKK and the means employed to this end. In this context it is maintained that Turkey did not receive the necessary international support to counter PKK terrorism. The author emphasizes the importance of actively engaging in international cooperation to combat terrorism.
The sixth and last of a series of articles "The Establishment and Activities of the Eastern Legion in French Archival Documents (November 1918-1921)", written by Mustafa Serdar Palabiyik, examines the changes in the structure of the Eastern Legion and its activities in the Cilician region between the period from November 1918 to the end of 1921.
As with previous issues we have included book reviews and a list of recent publications dealing with the Armenian Question. Moreover, in this issue, we are featuring the full text and English translation of an archival document published in the Swedish Newspaper Nya Dagligt Allehanda in 1917. Therein a first-hand observation of the Armenians living under the Ottoman Empire at the time is provided for.
We hope this is a fulfilling and interesting issue for our readers.
The Editor
Editorial Note........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Facts and Comments..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Ottoman Armenian Intricate Relations with Western Powers before and
during the Peace Settlements of the First World War.................................................................................................... 39
Prof. Dr. Seçil KARAL AKGÜN
Turkish-American Relations and the Armenian Issue......................................................................................................81
Prof. Dr. Nurşen MAZICI
Terrorism and Asymmetric Threat: Activities against Turkey, from the
Beginning of the 20th Century to the Present................................................................................................................... 89
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sadi ÇAYCI
The Establishment and Activities of the Eastern Legion in
French Archival Documents (November 1918-1921)................................................................................................... 101
Mustafa Serdar PALABIYIK
Prof. Dr. Hikmet Ozdemir: Turkish Accumulation vis-à-vis
Armenian Claims (Ermeni İddiaları Karşısında Türkiye'nin Birikimi)................................................................... 121
Jean-Louis Mattel: The Armenian Committees' Pursuit of a Greater
Armenia Through Documents (Belgelerle Büyük Ermenistan Peşinde Ermeni Komiteleri)............................123
(Ercan Cihan ULUPINAR)
RECENT PUBLICATIONS.................................................................................................................................... 129
ARCHIVAL DOCUMENTS.....................................................................................................................................131