Review Of Armenian Studies - Sayı / Issue: 13

Review Of Armenian Studies

Sayı : 13
Yıl : 2007
Fiyat : 9.00 TL

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Editörün Notu

This issue begins, as usual, with the artide entided "Facts and Comments", in which issues regarding Turkish-Armenian bilateral relations, Armenian genocide allegations and their international ramifications and developments in Turkeyand Armenia regarding these issues that took place in the first sİX months of the year 2006 are covered. In his artide entided "The Legal Avenues That Could Be Restored to Against Armenian Genocide Claims" Retired Ambassador Pulat Tacar examines the possibility of bringing the Armenian genocide allegations to the agenda of a prospective competent court and analyzes various legal means which may be resorted to against these genocide allegations. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Neşe Özden examines the British documents dated to 1920, in order to reveal the attempts to create a 'Greater Armenia' in her artide entided "British Theses on the Armenian Question: Based On British Documents, 1920". In do ing that, she will cover a number of British political assessments of the Armenian Question, which had a significant place within the intense political maneuvering leading up to the Peace Treaty of Sevres signed between the Allied powers and the Ottoman Empire in August 1920. In his artide entided "Reforms Regarding Armenians in the Six Provinces", Dr. Ramazan Yıldız analyzes the activities of Russia and the European countries regarding the reforms developed for Armenians and granted them excessive rights and autonomy, and argues how the original reform plan proposed by Russia was changed as a result of Great Power intervention. Mustafa Serdar Palabıyık examines the developments regarding the Eastern Legion from November 1916 to May 1917 in his artide entide "The Establishment and Activities of the French Legion d'Orient (Eastern Legion) in the Light of French Archival Documents (November 1916 - May 1917)". This period is significant because of the transformation of the Eastern Legion from a small fugitive community to a full scale military battalion which had become ready for attacking the Ottoman Empire. This artide aims to analyze this transformation and to illuminate the details about that. Within this framework, the substance of this artide is the French attempts to provide yolunteers for the Eastern Legion. In her artiele entitled "A Critical Analysis of Armenian Genocide Resolutions Submitted to the American Congress and Resolution H.Res.1 06", Oya Eren provides a critical evaluation of the resolutions submitted to US legislative institutions on the matter of the recognition of the "Armenian genocide". it does not seek to respond to the allegations, but rather, intends to show how they have been framed since 1975 through conducting text-analysis in a comparatiye methodology. 1here are also two reviews of the books edited by Prof. Dr. Hikmet Özdemir entided Türk-Ermeni ihtilafi: Makaleler (Turkish-Armenian Conjlict: Artiefes) and written by Dr. Erdal İlter entided Büyük ihanet: Ermeni Kilisesi ve Terör, Tarihi Seyir (The Big Betrayal· Armenian Church and Terror, Historical Sequence) as well as a list of recent publications. Finally, this issue ineludes three sets of current documents which are the full text resolutions submitted to American Congress in the beginning of 2007; the call of Nobel Laureates for the normalization ofTurkish-Armenian relations and subsequent reply of Turkish scholars, authors and retired diplomats; and the announcement of Turkish Foreign Ministry published in New York Times on April 23, 2007. With best wishes ... The Editor 


Editorial Note.............................................................................................................. 5



Facts and Comments................................................................................................. 7

Ömer Engin LÜTEM

The Legal Avenues That Could Be Resorted to against Armenian Genocide Claims..... 65


British Theses on the Armenian Question: Based on British Documents, 1920........... 91

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Neşe ÖZDEN

The Reforms Towards Armenians in the Vilayet-i Sitte.............................................. 113

Dr. Ramazan YILDIZ

The Establishment and Activities of the French Legion d’Orient (Eastern Legion) in the Light of French Archival Documents (November 1916 – May 1917)................ 143


A Critical Analysis of Armenian Genocide Resolutions Submitted to the American Congress and Resolution H.Res.106 ................................................ 167


Review Article: A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and The Question of Turkish Responsibility by Taner Akçam........................................... 187



Prof. Dr. Hikmet Özdemir (der.), Türk-Ermeni İhtilafi: Makaleler (Turkish-Armenian Conflict: Articles)....................................................................... 217


Dr. Erdal Ilter, Büyük İhanet: Ermeni Kilisesi ve Terör, Tarihi Seyir (The Big Betrayal: Armenian Church and Terror, Historical Sequence).......... 221





 Resolutions Submitted to the American Congress on Armenian ‘Genocide’ and the Assassination of Hrant Dink................................................ 233

H. RES. 102 (29 January 2007) Submitted to House of Representatives......... 233

H. RES. 106 (30 January 2007) Submitted to House of Representatives......... 235

S. RES 65 (1 February 2007) Submitted to Senate............................................ 241

H. RES 155 (12 February 2007) Submitted to House of Representatives......... 243

The Call of Nobel Laureates through Elie Wiesel Foundation and the Reply of Turkish Scholars................................................................ 247

The Announcement Published on New York Times, April 23, 2007................. 259


Ömer Engin LÜTEM


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Neşe ÖZDEN

Dr. Ramazan YILDIZ