In the first article of this issue, entitled 'Facts and Comments', the relations between Turkey and Armenia as well as some developments regarding the Armenian genocide
allegations in Bulgaria, Argentina, Canada, France, Belgium, the United States, the Netherlands, Czech Republic and Poland in the first half of 2006 are covered. What is more, the violations of freedom of speech in the United States within the context of Armenian question are emphasized.
In his article entitled 'Reflections of the Second Proclamation of the Ottoman Parliamentary System on Eastern Anatolia and Its Effect on the Armenian-Kurdish Relations', Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatih Unal explains the Armenian perception of the re-proclamation of the Ottoman parliamentary system and the implications of this new regime on the Armenian-Kurdish relations in Eastern Anatolia.
Mustafa Serdar Palabiyik analyzes the establishment and activities of the French Legion d'Orient, which had mainly been composed of Armenian soldiers, until November 1916 in his article 'Establishment and Activities of French Legion d'Orient (Eastern Legion) in the Light of French Archival Documents'. The activities of this legion up until the end of First World War would be examined later.
In her article entitled Turkish-Armenian Relations in the Shadow of 1915', Assist. Prof. Dr. Yelda Demirag comments on the historical development of the Armenian Question and its implication on the contemporary Turkish-Armenian relations.
German Federal Parliament adopted a resolution recognizing the Armenian genocide allegations on June 2005. In his article entitled 'On the Reasons of the German Federal Parliament's Recognition of the So-Called Armenian Genocide and the Role of Political Protestantism', Burak Giimiiq examines the underlying reasons of the adoption of this resolution and the role of political Protestantism within this context.
As a result of the increasing interest on the Armenian question, many universities in Turkey organized panels, seminars or conferences. In this issue, there are essays reviewing the conferences organized by Istanbul University, Bilgi University (Istanbul), Erciyes University (Kayseri), Marmara University (Istanbul) and Ba§kent University (Ankara).
There are also two reviews of the books written by Samuel Weems entitled Armenia: Secret of A "Christian" Terrorist State, and edited by Mustafa calik entitled The Armenian Genocide Allegations: When Improper Calculation Departed from Talat and Relocation as well as a list of recent publications.
In this issue there are three archival and two contemporary documents regarding the Armenian question, which give significant insights to the reader.
With best wishes...
Editorial Note......................................................................................................................... 5
Omer Engin LUTEM
Reflections of the Second Proclamation of the Ottoman Parliamentary System
on Eastern Anatolia and Its Effect on the Armenian-Kurdish Relations................................. 49
Fatih UNAL
Establishment and Activities of French Legion d'Orient (Eastern Legion)
in the Light of French Archival Documents............................................................................ 79
Mustafa Serdar PALABIYIK
Turkish-Armenian Relations in the Shadow of 1915 99
On the Reasons of the German Federal Parliament's Recognition of the
So-Called Armenian Genocide and the Role of Political Protestantism ................................... 109
New Approaches to Turkish-Armenian Relations
(15-17 Mart 2006, Istanbul University) ................................................................................. 131
Conference on the Reality of Armenian Question
(15 April 2006, Bilgi University) ........................................................................................... 135
I. International Social Research Symposium (EUSAS):
The Art of Coexistence in the Ottoman Empire: The Example of Turkish-Armenian Relations
(20-22 April 2006, Erciyes University) ................................................................................ 137
Armenian Symposium in the Light of Science
(21 April 2006, Marmara University) .................................................................................... 141
Omer Engin LUTEM
Symposium on the "Projects of Partition of the
West from the Ottoman Empire to Lausanne"
(26-27 April 2006, Ba1kent University) ............................................................................... 143
Birgül Demirtaş ÇOŞKUN
Samuel Weems, Ermenistan: TerOrist "Thristiyan" Ulkenin Sidart,
(Armenia: Secrets of A "Christian" Terrorist State) ............................................................... 145
Mustafa Serdar PALABIYIK
Mustafa cal& (ed.), Ermeni Soykmmt lddialan: Yank Hesap
Talat'tan ye Tehcir'den Doniince (The Armenian Genocide
Allegations: When Improper Calculation Returned from Talat and Relocation) ..................... 151
The Article Published in Le journal d'Orient on 26 April 1923 about the
Declarations of the Armenian Patriarch in Istanbul and Its
Reflections in the American Secretary of State.. 157
Affairs and Other Public Institutions As Well As Their Families (17 March 2006) ............... 165
Statement by Turkish Ambassador Nabi Sensoy on the PBS Program
"The Armenian Genocide" (18 April 2006) ........................................................................... 169
RECENT PUBLICATIONS................................................................. 173
(Yıldız DEVECI)
Ömer Engin LUTEM
Fatih ÜNAL
Mustafa Serdar PALABIYIK
Fatih ONAL