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The Center for Eurasian Studies (AVİM) is a think-tank founded in 2009. It has additionally assumed the activities of the Institute for Armenian Research of the Center for Eurasian Strategic Studies (ASAM) that operated from 1999 to 2009 in Ankara. AVİM’s mission is to conduct research concerning Turkey in the European Union area and in the regions of the Caucasus, the Balkans, Eastern Europe, and Asia (especially Russia, Turkic Republics, Turkey's other neighbors, and the large countries of Asia). AVİM’s mission also includes publishing related materials both in digital and in printed format, organizing and participating in meetings, and providing education.

In this regard, AVİM published the first issue of Eurasian World in October 2017. The journal’s working area is the geographic region of “Eurasia”. The journal sees Turkey as one of the countries of central value in the region due to being located both at the western-most point of the East and the eastern-most point of the West. Eurasian World journal, by considering the developments in the region, will provide analyses, commentaries, and interviews that will shed light on the developments in the Balkans, Greater Black Sea Region, the Caucasus, and Central Asia and in the neighbouring regions.

The main topic of the third issue (Fall 2018) is "Energy Project, Pipeline Politics and the Role of Turkey". Articles that cover other issues on Eurasia will also be accepted for evaluation. 

Researchers interested in working on this topic are invited to send their abstracts (max. 250 words) to Vuslat Nur Şahin until 31th Agust 2018. 

Deadline for full submissions is 15th September 2018. 

Further information about the journal can be found here.

AVİM would be glad to publish your valuable works in this upcoming journal.