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AVİM 2023 Annual Report presenting AVİM's activities in 2023 has been published. 

It is a pleasure to present our Annual Report that provides a brief overview of the works and activities of the Center for Eurasian Studies (AVİM) during the year 2023.

The global balance of power and geopolitics that have been shifting since the collapse of the Soviet Union have become more perceptible during 2023. Türkiye, which was seen as the easternmost point of the West or the eastern post of the West during the Cold War era has also become the westernmost point of the East, moving to the core of an evolving Eurasian geography encompassing Europe and Asia. This new geopolitical location has introduced numerous advantages, but has also created serious challenges and constraints for Türkiye that obligates the country to be attentive.

Perceiving Türkiye as a land of connectivity and integration between the East and the West with its two wings, one in the Balkans and the other in the Caucasus, AVİM considers Türkiye, a Balkan country, to be an inseparable part of the European geography and as such a natural part of the European Union (EU). Its membership to elemental organizations and institutions of the European geography evinces its European identity. On the other hand, following the establishment of independent states of the South Caucasus and Central Asia, Türkiye has nourished close ties with this formerly secluded geography based on its deep-rooted social, cultural, kinship bonds there, thus enabling Türkiye to open up to Asia and to reconcile its European and Asian profiles.

AVİM also organizes various conferences, book presentations, and panel discussions with the participation of international partners, some of which we also publish in print as AVİM reports. This year we have initiated a partnership program with think-tanks in the region and began holding online discussions and exchange of views.

AVİM, as an independent and non-profit think-tank, has been carrying this voluminous work with the meticulous and often self-sacrificing work of a limited number of staff. The AVİM staff deserves sincere thanks and warm congratulations for their unrelenting efforts, conscientious, and fruitful work. On behalf of AVİM, I would also like to express our thanks and gratitude to all who have shown interest in and given support to our work and activities.

The report can be accessed from here.

