Avrasya Dünyası / Eurasian World
Number | : | 1 |
Year | : | 2017 |
Price | : | 20.00 TL |
Dear Readers,
The Center for Eurasian Studies (AVİM) is pleased to meet you within a different framework with the publication of our new journal 'Eurasian World'. Our efforts to publish this journal, which we plan to publish twice a year, have been going on for some time. The journal aims to closely monitor developments in Eurasia, where Turkey’s position has been shifting and becoming more and more central and to pass on those developments to our readers. As you would observe, our publication, rather than being a news journal that only reflects the developments in the wider-Eurasian geography, will be a periodical that will comprise analyzes and assessments written by Turkish and foreign scholars and experts about current issues in the Eurasian region. In this respect, the 'Eurasian World' hopes to contribute to the academic thought and intellectual life in the region covering the Balkans, the Black Sea Basin, the Caucasus and the Central Asia.
We are aware that our journal will succeed to the extent that it will be able to respond to the intellectual needs and requirements of our readers. This will be the basic principle in our work and we will try to present a high-quality journal of content and scientific value to you.
I thank you for your attention and interest. With my best regards,
Yiğit Alpogan
"Atatürk ve Asya", Prof. Dr. Hikmet Özdemir
"US Policy in Central Asia: Will Change Occur During the Trump Administration?", Dr. Roger Kangas
"Azerbaijan’s Geopolitical Identity in the Context of the 21st Century Challenges and Prospects" , Dr. Farhad Mammadov
"Turkey and the South Caucasus: The Imperative for Re-Engagement", Richard Giragosia
"Failed Nabucco Project and Its Implications", Dr. Göktuğ Sönmez
"The Future of the Central Asian Energy Security", Dr. Farkhod Aminjonov
"Afghanistan and the Political and Security Landscape in the Region", H.E. Hekmat Khalil Karzai
"Iran's Science Diplomacy in the South Caucasus Case Study: The Republic of Azerbaijan", Prof. Dr. Elaheh Koolaee & Shiva Alizade
"Rusya’da Nüfusun Coğrafi Dağılımından Kaynaklanan Sorunlar ve Çin Tehlikesi", Doç. Dr. Mehmet Arslan
"Minsk-Moskova İlişkileri ve Rusya’nın Post-Sovyet Yeniden Entegrasyon Politikasının Sorunları", Dr. Turgut Kerem Tuncel
"Rusya-Çin Stratejik Ortaklığının Küresel Boyutu", Sabir Askeroğlu
Yeni İpek Yolu Projesi (One Belt One Road Project)
"21’nci Yüzyılın En Kapsamlı Altyapı Hamlesi: Modern İpek Yolu Girişimi", E. Büyükelçi Koray Targay
"The New Silk Road Initiative: Turkey’s Stakes in the Global Developmental Project", Salih Işık Bora
"Yeni İpek Yolu Projesinin SSCB Sonrası Orta Asyası’nda Ulus ve Devlet İnşa Sürecine Etkileri", Prof. Dr. İsmail Aydıngün
"Çin’in Tehdit Algısı, Güvenlik Stratejisi ve Avrasya" Ali Erdinç E. Tümgeneral
Prof. Dr. Hikmet Özdemir (Siyaset Bilimi Profesörü, Cumhurbaşkanlığı Eski Başdanışmanı)
Dr. Roger Kangas (Academic Dean, Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies, Washington, DC, USA)
Dr. Farhad Mammadov Director (Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan)
Richard Giragosian Director (Regional Studies Center (RSC) Yerevan, Armenia)
Dr. Göktuğ Sönmez (ORSAM & Konya Necmettin Erbakan University, Department of Public Administration and Political Science)
Dr. Farkhod Aminjonov (Deputy Director, Energy Security Expert, Central Asia Institute for Strategic Studies, Almaty, Kazakhstan Associate Professor, Department of Social and Economic Disciplines, FIEP, Narxoz University, Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Hekmat Khalil Karzai (H.E. Deputy Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan)
Elaheh Koolaee (Professor of Regional Studies, University of Tehran, Iran- Shiva Alizade PhD. Candidate of Regional Studies, University of Tehran, Iran)
Doç. Dr. Mehmet Arslan (Al-Farabi Kazak Ulusal Üniversitesi)
Dr. Turgut Kerem Tuncel (Kıdemli Analist, AVİM)
Sabir Askeroğlu (İRAM Dış Politika Koordinatörlüğü)
Koray Targay (E. Büyükelçi, Dışişleri Bakanlığı İpek Yolu Özel Temsilcisi)
Salih Işık Bora (Trainee at AVIM, Student at the University College of Sciences Po Paris and London School of Economics)
Prof. Dr. İsmail Aydıngün (Başkent Üniversitesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü)
Ali Erdinç (E. Tümgeneral)