Dear Readers,
The 74th issue of the Ermeni Araştırmaları journal contains one editorial, three research articles, and one article translation.
In the editorial titled “Olaylar ve Yorumlar” (“Facts and Comments”), Ambassador (R) Alev Kılıç covers the period of June-November 2023 of the internal developments in Armenia, the international standing and relations of Armenia, Azerbaijan's establishment of sovereignty over the entirety of Karabakh with the anti-terrorist operation launched on 19 September, the transport corridor of Zangezur, and the bilateral relations of Türkiye and Armenia. Russia’s weakening interest and impact in the region stemming from its war with Ukraine, the strategy of the West to distract Russia on a second front as well as its initiative to align Armenia on its side with a view to reducing the influence of Russia in the South Caucauses, and Prime Minister Pashinyan's green light to the West's approach at the expense of alienating Russia are emphasized. The “Peace Crossroads” Project Armenia announced in November has raised the optimism that a solution to the transport issue could be at hand. The article covers all these developments.
The first research article in the 74th issue is the “Ermeni Harfli Türkçe Romanlarda Din Kurumu ve Çağdaşı Arap Harfli Romanlarla Karşılaştırılması” (“The Religious Institution in Turkish Novels with Armenian Letters and Their Comparison with Contemporary Novels with Arabic Letters”) written by Safiye Akdeniz. In her article, Akdeniz analyses some Turkish novels written in Armenian letters before the first Turkish novels in Arabic letters were published in order to examine how Westernization/modernization affected the institution of religion and how this is reflected in literary texts. This study also examines how this issue was handled in the first novels written by Muslim Ottoman writers and the two sets of novels are compared in this respect. The sharp sectarian divisions in the Armenian community are also examined through the works used in the study.
The second research article is titled “Van Doğumlu “Millet-i Sadıka” Ermeni Memurlar (1879 –1909)” (“‘Millet-İ Sadika’ Armenian Civil Servant Born in Van (1879 –1909)”) written by Serkan Erdoğan. In this study, Erdoğan examines the resumes of Armenian civil servants who had been born in Van and lived in the empire based on Sicil-i Ahval Records, which were held in 1879 by order of Abdulhamid II and included the biographies of the officials working in the empire.
The third research article is titled “9. ve 11. Yüzyıllarda Bizans’ın Armenia’daki Din Politikası” (“Religious Policy of Byzantine in Armenia in the 9th and 11th Centuries”) written by Engin Öztürk. In this article, Öztürk examines the religious policy of Byzantium in Armenia after the Arab domination and presents the data he found in the sources in his article by comparing them.
In our 74th issue, there is one article translation. The article is titled “Ilısulu Mustafa Efendi’nin ‘Tarih-i Harb’ Adlı Eseri: Giriş, Tercüme ve Notlar” (“Mustafa Al-Ilisuvi’s Historical Work “Tarikh Al-Harb”: Introduction, Translation and Notes”) written by R.S. Abdulmecidov - M.G. Shehmagomedov and translated into Turkish by Yusuf İslam Yılmaz.
Have a nice reading.