Author : Mehmet Oğuzhan TULUN
Date : Şubat 2014
Language : Turkish & English

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AVİM has published its fourth report, titled “The Armenian Apostolic Church”. The report initially provides an overview of the history and the structure of the national church of the Armenian people; the Armenian Apostolic Church. The report’s main focus is on the ongoing disagreements experienced amongst Armenians regarding their national church. The Armenian Apostolic Church is being criticized by a significant part of the Armenians for being administered in an excessively authoritarian manner, and falling into a state of corruption and irregularity. Other Armenians, however, reject such criticisms and maintain the idea that Armenians are being needlessly fragmented over frivolous matters.  Lastly, the report reminds the reader that such disagreements are no way an indication that Armenians are divided as a community, and that they will as a community employ various means to pursue their interests. This is related to the Armenian drive to gain recognition for the so-called Armenian genocide, and how Armenians will employ historical and religious issues to further their agenda.