Manuscripts submitted to International Crimes and History (ICH) should follow the Article Templates.
Turkish Article Template | English Article Template
Page Format: A4 Portrait, Margins (Normal) (top, bottom, left, right 2,5cm)
The ICH does not place a limit on the amount of pages or words in articles. The Editorial Board or Scientific Board, on the other hand, may make a recommendation that the text be abridged without sacrificing quality.
Font Family: Main titles should be written using 11 pt. and the text 10 pt. Calibre font.
Each study should include the following major titles in the order specified below:
The study's title should accurately reflect its substance and be thorough. Each word, with the exception of the linkers, should be capitalized.
It should concisely and clearly state the study's objective, scope, methodology, findings, significant aspects, and original value. The abstract has no word limit.
A minimum of five and a maximum of seven keywords that encompass the entire study should be chosen.
The introduction should include a full explanation of the research topic, a synopsis of the study's components, the subject's significance in the academic literature, the significance of the study, the research difficulty, and the study's objectives.
The research's purpose, methodology, research group, data collection tools, validity and reliability, data collection methodologies, data analysis, limits, and ethics committee permission (if necessary) should all be thoroughly stated.
The study's findings should be discussed using tables, diagrams, graphics, or photographs in a way that supports the study's purpose and problem.
Discussion *
In light of the study's significance, the findings should be examined in relation to the literature and author opinions.
Conclusion *
The conclusion should explain the important ideas that emerged from the discussions.
Suggestions *
Suggestions for the discussion and analysis of the study's findings must be made. Additionally, proposals that add to the body of knowledge and are relevant to future research and applications in the subject must be included.
Acknowledgements **
Acknowledge those individuals or institutions who contributed little to the study's development.
References should be prepared according to Chicago 17 – Citation Guide. The footnote references should be formatted in a manner consistent with the language used in the body text. Turkish reference criteria should be used for Turkish manuscripts, and English referring requirements should be followed for English texts.
Font family is Calibre and line spacing is 3nk. Indentation should start under the 4th letter.
Appendices **
Additional tables, graphics and pictures should be given on a separate page after the references. Each appendix should be numbered as Appendix 1, Appendix 2, ... and each appendix should have a separate title.
* Discussion, Results and Suggestions could be given under the same title or separately.
** If there are Acknowledgements and Additional Information these should be given under main titles like Introduction or Method.